Leadership in Diversity.
02 February 2024

Leading With Integrity.

Introducing Dieter Ruff.

Dieter joined our team back in 2016, bringing a wealth of construction experience; having been directly involved in the growth of several prominent construction companies. Now, Dieter is one of Newpol’s longest serving employees.

“Dieter has been the backbone of our business for more than half of our existence. He joined our construction start-up, which was short on experience, but strong on ambition, and has been an instrumental force in taking our business to where it is today.

In my role as head of delivery, I feel reassured knowing Dieter will always go above and beyond to ensure Newpol’s, and our clients' best interests are met. He is a true asset to our senior leadership team.”

- Lukas Konieczny, Director.

"He is a true asset to our senior leadership team.”

As Newpol’s operations continue to grow, Dieter’s role has evolved in unison. Therefore, we are delighted to announce his promotion to Operations Manager; a role established to formally recognise the natural progression of his influence within our organisation.

To celebrate this milestone, we sat down with Dieter to reflect on his last eight years with our team, his 40-year career more broadly, and his aspirations for the future.


Congratulations on your promotion! What does your role entail?

The overall management of project delivery, contract finalisation, assisting with strategic methodology throughout the project lifecycle (estimating through to delivery), as well as staff resourcing and training.

What drew you towards the construction industry?

My family history within the construction industry, specifically the carpentry field, generations of builders, not only in Australia but also abroad. I felt a drive to reinstate this, after my father took up the opportunity to become an aeronautical/manufacturing engineer.

Even though the path to Architecture was highly encouraged, I always felt drawn to the more practical and hands-on roles within construction. This was greatly influenced by my grandfather, watching him build from a very young age; more specifically I admired his expertise with traditional hand tools - he was a master craftsman.

What is the best advice you have received?

From my father; “A person’s integrity is everything…always look a person in the eye, especially when giving a firm handshake, and always be willing to listen”.

If you know me, and or have worked with me over the last 40 years, you would know integrity is a quality I have always valued and celebrated.

What advice would you give for those interested in entering the industry?

The same advice that I was given at the beginning of my career; you need to be willing to work hard, listen and learn - there is always something new to learn.

Also, when the time comes, lead and mentor, don’t manage. Develop and adopt your own leadership style.

What’s your favourite thing about your role?

Diversity. The diversity of my day-to-day responsibilities, the variety of construction sectors, and the opportunity to collaborate with such a diverse array of people, all working towards a common goal to enhance local communities.

I also love being directly involved in resolving technical construction issues as they arise; having to problem-solve… There is always a new challenge to overcome.

What made you join the Newpol Team?

From my first introduction to Alastair & Lukas, I recognised and admired the family values they promoted, and their willingness to break into such a competitive industry.

They are real people with real life values, something that still shines through as Newpol continues to evolve.

What has been your highlight working at Newpol?

To be granted another opportunity to be involved in the growth of a young and aspiring company, and the ability to mentor such an energetic and diverse team. I have always felt supported to be myself and lead with my hands-on approach.

"Lead and mentor, don’t manage. Develop and adopt your own leadership style."

What has been the highlight of your career to date?

The rare opportunity to work with my family. I am currently fortunate enough to call my three children my colleagues, and have been able to witness first-hand their personal development within their respective fields.

Another highlight was being recognised by my industry peers when winning my first Master Builders Award; despite it being totally unexpected and having to whip up an acceptance speech as I made my way to the stage!

What do you hope for the future of the industry?

For the respectful and collaborative working relationship between client, architect, consultant, subcontractor and builder to always be prioritised; whereby the shared goal is to create socially responsible and environmentally conscious builds for deserving communities.

What are you most looking forward to in the years to come?

Professionally, to assist Newpol to consolidate, and become the builder and employer of choice in the tier 3 building sector; to lead with integrity.

Personally, to witness my children further develop within the industry. All whilst, enjoying time with my grandchildren, travelling, surfing (for as long as possible), and wasting time and money on my classic VW’s.